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Marg Gibbs


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Marg Gibbs, a children’s author in Mapleton, Queensland, loves presenting at schools, connecting to the magic of story and meeting like-minded writers and illustrators.


With a teaching background and a Graduate Diploma in Children’s Literature, Marg has published poems in The Toy, NSW School, and Celtic Magazines. She is a member of ASA, SCBWI, Sunshine House Writers, and Book Links.


In 2023, Marg was long-listed twice for the Pitch It competition and in 2024 had her poem, A Galaxy Ride, published in The Toy Magazine (UK).


At home, she has a view of the sea from the mountains and a place to watch the black cockatoos. Since her Senior Art year, long ago, she has loved to practise in mixed media and collages, and is a collector of Australian indigenous art.​

Art by Marg
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